Important Things To Do With Your Hands

In a business situation, hold your briefcase in your left hand.  This leaves your right hand free to shake hands quickly and readily.  Pausing to switch hands with your briefcase makes you look unprepared.

In a hugging situation, get your cell phone out of your hand.  Get it completely out of sight if you can.  Hugging someone with a cell phone in your hand tells the person that you are not really present.  It’s like that movie where the actress checks her watch in an otherwise romantic situation.

In a jogging situation, pretend your hands are holding an origami paper creation.  Not fully open, but not tightly closed either.  It will help you relax during the run.

In a driving situation, put your hands at eight o’clock and four o’clock, not ten o’clock and two o’clock.  Putting your hands at ten o’clock and two o’clock puts stress on your shoulders.  It will affect your posture over time.

In a sports situation, put your hand over your heart during the National Anthem.  Make sure your kids see you doing it.  Make sure they don’t see you cell phone when you hug them.